fredag 7 augusti 2009

The ascension..

Over a year ago, I chose the path of reason. At the time, I think I did it as an excuse to change.. Reason became a part of my being. And it has been ever since. Unfortunately, time has passed, and thus, the concept I embraced have changed.

The pure lines that was reason have been smeared out, and reduced to an unreadable mass of utter nonsense. Its rather "painful" in its own view; Seeing your values being washed away, and have your principles butchered like cattle. There is but one thing left to do! Instead of following reason as the concept it is. I shall claim it, and reshape it after my own image.

The time has come.. In order to prove my devotion to loyalty and honour, I shall claim a sword in my hand. Too me, swords represent a lost age. An age where loyalty, duty, skill and honour actually meant something. With the sword, I shall ascend to the throne, and proclaim myself the first King of Reason. Arrogance? Foolishness? No.. All kingdoms were born out of ambition. There have always been and will always be a first ruler. It is inevitable.. And were I to fail. To succumb to greed rather than effort.. Then I expect someone to rise and claim my place.

Challenge me if you must. I will answer your calling.. I await you; On the roof of the world.. On the Throne of Reason.

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